Service Manager


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Example: Tracking Costs for an Incident

This example shows how costs are tracked for an incident. You can use the same procedures to show costs for a service request.

When you create an incident, you can assign tasks that have costs associated with them. Costs are automatically captured in the record when a task is set to completed.

Adding Tasks to an Incident Record

Adding Equipment Costs

Adding Tasks to an Incident Record

1.Log into the Service Desk Console.

2.Open the Incident workspace.

3.Create a new incident. (See Viewing an Incident.)

4.Enter information into the following fields from the Details tab.

Field Description
Customer A user name. You can also enter administrator.
Summary Title, such as mobile phone.
Description Description, such as track cost items.
Service The service. Choose Mobile Communication from the drop-down list.
Category The category. Choose Device Failure from the drop-down list.

Do not change the other fields.

5.Click Save.

6.To resolve this incident, you can assign a task.

7.From the Task tab, create a new task. (See Creating a Task.)

8.In the New Task window, enter information into the following fields.

Field Description
Summary Title, such as Pick up phone from user site.
Team The team. Choose a team from the drop-down list.
Owner The owner. Choose a name from the drop-down list.

Do not change the other fields.

9.Click Save. The window closes.

10.Select the task from the list, then click Accept from the toolbar. Here, you are triggering the workflow for the incident.

11.Click Complete from the toolbar. A text box comes up.

12.Enter the number of minutes spent on the task, such as 60.

13.Click OK.

The task is saved and shows up under the Task tab.

The task cost appears under the Cost Item tab.

The task cost also appears in the CI Service workspace.

Costs only appear when the task is completed. Only tasks defined in the task catalog are tracked (ad-hoc tasks are not tracked).

Adding Equipment Costs

You can also add costs to the record of items not related to a task, such as the cost of a monitor or other equipment.

1.Log into the Service Desk Console.

2.Open the Incident workspace.

3.Create a new incident. (See Viewing an Incident.)

4.From the Cost Item tab of the incident record, click New from Price List Item.

5.Choose a price list item from the drop-down list. For example, choose iPhone 5C. The item is added to the Cost Item list. The cost is taken from the Price List Item workspace.

A cost item record is automatically created for the price list.

The grand total is updated to reflect the added equipment.

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